Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Love For Cooking

My kids have a huge passion for cooking they want to be right there every step of the way. Destinee enjoys reading the recipe and getting everything we need together, Cearra enjoys cracking the eggs and stirring all the ingredients together, and Kaley loves to help clean up by licking the bowls and beaters. I as a mom love allowing them to follow their passions and giving them the opportunities to try new things in life. Cooking is one of those everyday skills that the kids learn just by watching mom and dad cook and being involved by helping out whether it may be setting the table, helping us prepare meals, or helping clean up afterwards. Destinee has learned about measuring cup and spoons and what all the numbers mean on them. Allowing them to help Sam and I in the kitchen allows them to master those skills needed for when they get out into the real world. I am very blessed to be able to facilitate a love for cooking and baking in my children.