Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ant Houses

My oldest daughter who is six loves to build ant houses. It is one of her biggest passions right now. She puts food in them so they do not get hungry and she will put water in a pop bottle cap so the do not get thirsty. She puts a lot of time into her ant houses and she loves the little ants that live in them. She is so proud of her creations. I love being there every moment of the day to watch them grow and learn. I love being involved in there passions by helping them get materials and research their current passion. My girls get so excited when they learn something new they love to research on the internet and get books and movies at the library about their currents passions. They soak it all in because they love learning so much. Learning is not forced in my home and it never will be my girls will be supported in whatever they choose to do in thier lives.